Winter Outdoors Benefits – camping and other outdoor activities provide solitude, subdued sounds, the crunch of ice and snow.
This incredible experience does have its hazards but good preparation and the right equipment can help you enjoy winter in the outdoors.
No matter if you are planning an afternoon hike, a cross country ski expedition, or primitive camping the most important thing to consider is your clothing. Most of us are aware of the idea of layering clothing for changing weather. This is especially important in the winter as multiple layers create air pockets which keep the body warm while preventing heavy clothing from weighing you down.
For your 1st layer, you should wear insulated garments designed to be worn next to the skin. The next layers might be made of wool, fleece, or flannel; then finally a water resistant outer layer.
Gaiters or ski pants will help keep snow out of boots.
Mittens are warmer than gloves. You should attach mittens to coat to prevent loss. Wear gloves underneath for when additional dexterity is needed to perform tasks.
Hats are essential in the winter, as you can lose up to 70% of your body heat through the head. Face masks should be worn in windy conditions to prevent frostbite.
You should wear several layers of socks starting with a thin wicking sock next to the skin, followed by one or two wool or wool blend socks.
For your feet Army Surplus insulated boots, mountaineering boots, or mukluks are available through a number of outdoor outfitters.
After braving the outdoors on a number of day trips you decide that you are ready for a winter camping experience make sure your tent and sleeping bag are designed for winter use. A Four Season Tent is made stronger than other tents in order to hold stronger loads created by freshly fallen snow and higher winds and they are designed to shed snow. You should have extra room inside for the additional gear you will carry in the winter. A frost liner hung inside the tent will prevent ice crystals created by condensation from forming on you and your gear.
You should also carry a whisk broom to brush snow off your clothes and out of the tent.
Sleeping Bags are rated for temperature and you should buy the rating below what you expect to experience, so if you expect to be in zero degree weather, then purchase a bag rated at minus 15 degrees. Buy the size that will fit your body snugly, too large and it will not keep you warm. It should be a mummy style bag with a hood and draft tube around the neck and on the zipper.
These are just a few of the things you need to consider when preparing to enjoy the outdoors in the winter. Search the internet for more information, or check the local library or bookstore for more complete advice for enjoying winter activities safely.
(1) Nyungwe National Park boasts stunning waterfalls, luminous tea plantations, birds, butterflies and buttresses.
It also plays host to a gorgeous orchid garden, containing several different varieties of these delicate beauties.
(2) For the high and mighty, East Africa's only forest canopy walkway has recently been built in Rwanda.
Offering spectacular bird's eye views over the forest, it's also a great vantage point for some eye-to-eye monkey business.
(3) Lake Kivu, one of Africa's deepest freshwater lakes, is the perfect destination to complement Rwanda safaris, due to its picturesque location, colourful resort towns and sandy beaches.
Windsurfing and kayaking are popular activities on the lake, as well as a spot of fishing for any of you handy with a rod.
(4) Visit the Iby'Iwacu Cultural Centre of Rwanda, which offers a chance to experience Rwandan rural culture through walks, dancing, archery, cooking, crafts, not to mention, a taste of the local banana brew and the famous 'Songs of the Gorillas'!
(5) Rwanda's sophisticated capital should definitely not be missed from your itinerary.
Sip red wine on the terrace of the Hotel des Milles Collines (the original Hotel Rwanda), and don't forget to make a poignant visit to theGenocide Memorial Museum.
(6) Its top spot for primates and that's before we even get to the Mountain Gorillas, for which the country is renowned.
Nyungwe Forest National Park hosts dozens of species, including the rare Golden Monkey, Chimpanzees, Black & White Colobus Monkeys and Baboons, to name a few.
(7) In Rwanda's Eastern province, Rwanda safaris start in Akagera National Park - an oasis for all the usual safari suspects you would expect to see from an open topped jeep, including giraffes, hippos, lions, crocodiles, elephants and buffalo.
Currently undergoing something of a transformation, Akagera will soon rival some of East Africa's beat known national parks for game viewing.
(8) Dine by Lake Muhazi, under the shade of a tree full of weaver birds and watch the kingfishers, crested cranes and the otters diving for their own catch of the day.
(9) Mountain biking over Rwanda's 1,000 hills presents a highlight for the adventure seekers.
Why not try out the 230km Congo-Nile trail, which provides fantastic views of the Congolese mountains, as well as the active volcano Nyiragongo.
(10) Follow in the footsteps of Dian Fossey and visit the rare and endangered Mountain Gorillas, with a trek through their rainforest refuge in Volcanoes National Park.
Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain, and the largest along the European Mediterranean coastline, has to be seen in the flesh to be fully appreciated.
Brimming with history and heritage, this superb city has both a wonderful atmospheric old town center, and a more contemporary and ultra-modern surrounding area with beautiful blend of stunning architecture.
Barrio Gotic - The Gothic Quarter - Its real heart of this superb city.
Extraordinary place of beauty and wonderment.
Walk down its typically narrow streets and find yourself at an opening onto a huge open plaza, such as the celebrated Placa Reiel, with its beautiful fountain and palm trees.
El Raval Barrio has its own unique characteristic that makes it a must for the seasoned tourist, but be on your guard. The area does have a reputation and pickpockets are known to operate here.
However, it is unique with its own blend of bars, cafes and privately owned clothes shops where you'll discover some wonderful one-off designer clothing.
It has a character all of its own and is busy both day and night. If you can find lodgings in this particular Barrio, there are two splendid fresh food markets nearby.
What you want before you rent it for your trip? what kind of quality motorhome you'd like? which features are most important in having for your trip?
You can probably go with something more basic and not too high-tech as far as to save money because of luxurious and has a nice interior and
exterior is going to cost you more.
Awareness - Whenever You are finding any thing online Your Awareness is best for you so, if you've never considered renting a motorhome before, check them out online and compare the similarities and differences.
You don't want to make the mistake of rushing into this rental and then find it didn't live up to your expectations.
It's important you find one that meets your criteria because of with a lot of things, motorhomes can range in size that's why.
Make sure it's big enough so that you have room and so that you can store all your luggage also not too big so that extra gas isn't being guzzled for no reason.